IFPI blames pirates for falling music sales

| June 23, 2005 | 0 Comments
IFPI blames pirates for falling music sales

According to the International Federation for the Music Industry (IFPI), over one-third of all music CDs sold in the world last year were pirated.

The IFPI, which represents over 1,400 record labels, also said that sales of pirated CDs amounted to more than legitimate sales in 31 countries around the world in 2004.

This was the case even though the music industry was successful in closing down pirate plants with the capacity of producing 380 million CDs per year.

The IFPI laid much of the blame for the continuing success of CD pirates on governments and police agencies that do not do enough to stop the sale of illegal copies of CDs.

The sale of pirated CDs was alleged to have brought pirates and organized crime $4.6 billion in 2004 and was claimed to be a major factor in the decline in legitimate CD revenues, which are down 30 percent in the past four years.

Some of the nations targeted as particular offenders in allowing piracy to flourish are Mexico, Brazil, Canada, and China. China’s trade in pirated CDs alone is believed worth $411 million (£225 million) per year.

However, some analysts point out that DVD revenues have eaten into CD sales as the markets often overlap. Other analysts point to the poor quality of music acts released by major labels as not encouraging consumers to want to buy their products.

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