Motorbike insurance – What to Get and Why
Motorbike insurance is not only a smart decision to make, but it’s the law in most countries. How much coverage to get and what kind of coverage it should be often depends on the individual, the motorbike, and the finances that are involved?
Liability insurance is the minimum amount of coverage that is normally offered. Like its name implies, this type of policy covers those expenses – outside your own – that you may be obligated to pay. This usually includes any injuries that other people may have suffered (including your passengers) and any damage to another person’s property.
Some companies offer a policy that is one step up from just liability. This “fire and theft” policy will cover everything that liability does, but it will also give you coverage incase of an accidental fire or incase of theft of the motorbike.
Comprehensive motorbike insurance is the big daddy of policies. In addition to the coverage discussed above, there are many advantages to this policy. It will cover damage incurred to your motorbike by accidents other than vehicular (like when a tree falls in a storm), it will seek out benefits for the policy owner incase of a personal injury during an accident that is not the fault of the policy owner, it covers medical expenses that come from an accident, and it covers most items that might be stolen from the motorbike – like a helmet.
The thing to keep in mind is that the more you put into your policy, the more that policy is going to cost. In the end you have to compare the different premium amounts and if that difference is more than the value of the motorbike then it might be time to re-evaluate your insurance coverage.
Motorbike insurance policies, like all insurance polices, should be evaluated every year to make sure that you are getting all the coverage you need and that you are getting credit for all the discounts that you deserve.
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