Brits putting travel insurance at risk by booking own holidays

| May 16, 2008 | 0 Comments

According to Marks & Spencer (M&S) Money, a growing number of Britons are putting their travel insurance at risk by booking different parts of their holiday separately.

Research from M&S Money discovered that an increase in the usage of the internet has meant that half of British holidaymakers book their travels independently rather than using a travel agent.

However, M&S Money believes that by booking a DIY holiday, travel insurance policies may not cover all aspects of the holiday.

The company has established that 78% people with access to the internet use it to research holiday costs and destinations.

Furthermore, the study showed that the most popular reason for an overseas trip is to visit friends and relatives, which makes the package holiday obsolete.

Traditionally, travel agents have booked the whole holiday and should a flight be cancelled or delayed, alternative travel would be organised by the agent but by taking control of your own booking means handling cancellations and delays, which can result in additional costs.

35% of UK travellers were faced with a cancelled or delayed departure during their last holiday, said M&S Money, of which 21% were travelling independently and were not covered by insurance.

Brendan Cook, chief executive of M&S Money said as independent travel has grown, we have identified changes in how customers travel and book holidays. This has changed what they require from travel insurance.

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